Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blah, Blah Blah...

Well, I really didn't expect to be back QUITE so soon. But alas, you're stuck reading this! Well, technically no you're not... But you're still here anyways! 

I'm happy, I know I had mentioned a few posts ago how I was trying the Jamberry nails out? Yeah, didn't work so well for me, they kept pulling off within a day or so and not really sticking to my nails. I get a couple of bucks today and went back to my old favorite nail salon and got my gel nails put back on. I know, I know! Having the gel nails isn't the greatest thing in the world, not only for my nails but for my wallet. But I like having my nails done. Makes me feel pretty and nice. I just won't go back to the place in town here. Thus why I drove all the way to Norristown tonight to go back to my original place. They are a bit more expensive ($5 more and no free designs), but I never got an infection from this place. And they're really nice and speak fluent English.

For anyone who reads this that also follows me on Facebook - tonight I posted a "funny?" picture. I got a Ninja (I mention this?) for my birthday and made myself a fruit smoothie tonight. I keep misjudging how far a little bit of fruit goes and OMG! I had to pull out the HUGE beer mug tonight! Y'know - the one that's about a foot high? It was TOTALLY worth the brain freezes! Just need to get better at the actual blending. I had to keep turning it off, mushing the stuff around and blending again. It just wouldn't move the stuff from the top to the bottom. But I eventually got it to all work and had a great dessert!

I have also spent the past 45 minutes trying to explain Avengers: Revenge of Ultron to my father-in-law. It's going, just have to keep telling him the names of the different characters. I just love that I get to see Paul Bettany! I have been a big fan of his since A Knight's Tale! But that was mostly because of the Heath Ledger, lets be honest here! I'm hoping I can put Judge Judy back on soon, but I'm not holding out much hope. I mean, I will - just probably not in the next hour or so, I just need to keep him from putting something gory on the tv!

And for those who noticed - I was finally able to update my profile/thumbnail picture AND input a picture of Piggy and I in my last post! It was not easy to do, but I was able to manage to get it accomplished via my phone of all things!

I am worried though - I have a HARD time with bra's. My back is wide and the girls have their own zip code. The other year I had gotten a NASTY sore on my back bra line that got infected and was just a really bad mess. Like - I had to go the wound center and had to rely on J to take care of it because I couldn't reach it. And the sore has come back and it's purple. While I LOVE all things purple (except purple flavored shit) I highly dislike my skin being purple! And it's really hard to get the bra's from rolling up and tightening on this spot. I'm constantly adjusting them but they always go right back into place. So, I don't know what to do. Especially now that J isn't living with me, I don't know who I could get to help me care for it... Ugh.

And no blog of mine would be complete without mention of the whole weight loss journey. Which, as always, is still "going". I admit - I had Joe grab me some McDonald's this morning (only way I was getting my bacon/egg/cheese biscuits b/c I live in McMuffin country) and OMFG was it yummy! And I ordered from the pizza place tonight but didn't eat anything in between. I know it's not the best of idea's to skip meals, but when I have big calorie meals - I try not to eat much of else during the rest of the day. Fortunately though - while I still order from the pizza place on occasion - I don't eat much fast food. Don't really like eating in my fil's car and rarely am I a passenger in someone else's car. Medical transit won't stop for food. But Friday I go and meet with the doctor again, hopefully I'll have dropped at least a pound or so by then... Fingers crossed!

Right now - I really just need to REALLY go food shopping, get some actual food that I'll eat in the house so I'm not relying on the pizza place so much!

And today was J's birthday. And I wasn't "allowed" to see him. I honestly think his father is trying to make a power play to take him away from me for good. Which is NOT cool! It doesn't help that people constantly tell J that it was all my fault for why we had to move. He doesn't seem to realize how much it cost me to run that apartment each month and until my SSDI comes thru - there is not much of anything I can do. But just wait out the time until I get appointed a judge and get my judgement. I really wish it would be sooner than later, but there isn't anything I can do. I just want to have my own place and my own money again, and be with my son again. I truly miss having him around and seeing him every day. Granted, he wasn't spending much actual time with me, because he was always outside playing or in his room - he was at least near me. And I yearn for that again, being able to be the one he hugs good night and all.

Well, as always, I start these things without much thought in mind and always end up rambling on for quite a bit! So I'm going to call it a wrap and wish everyone a good night!

Until next time...

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